
recently...2011 fed and mar...

update again here^^
nothing special also...like normal loh!!!
everyday 8am morning wake up ready go working at night 930pm wait fong gong^^hehe!!!
no time to get rest!this month keep sick!sick!sick only!!!very pity...
but what i can do????...nothing also!sick need working also~
very tired leh!
no time shopping!no time rest!no time meet my friends!no time go clubbing get drunk drunk drunk already!hehe!!!
very busy everyday make me no time to MISS CK!!!wakakakaka...(something wrong)hehe!!!
me with him lost contact already~no like before can sms chat-chat everyday~yam cha meet-meet d!!!
haixxxx!!!very SAD!!!!!

any way!!!I'm fine here^^
hope will happy & enjoy everyday~
wish all my friends and YOU too^^
miss you all so much~muwacksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!
see next time got free just update here agains^^

